Theme Wedding

I’m a little quirky, that is no secret. How about you? I absolutely love celebrating Geeky/Offbeat weddings. Do you have a fandom you absolutely adore? Do you dream of a Galaxy Wedding that no power in the ‘verse can stop, with hopes of the appearance of a mad man in a blue box. Do you say often; “I Love you!” and “ I know”, or dream of your ceremony going boldly where no one has gone before.?

Perhaps your love of comics has you hoping for a Superman and Lois, Luke Cage and Jessica Jones or Kyle and Northstar inspired wedding. Did you know Wonder Woman has been officiating same sex weddings for years?

Are you a lover of fantasy? Do you find yourself saying “As you wish” instead of I love you, see your love to be as strong as Aragorn and Arwen’s and dream of have the’ one ceremony to rule them all’? But please, no Red Weddings!

Are you a mad gamer with a Nintendo or table top obsession? Did you decided your wedding colours by the roll of a dice or do your vows include “Above all ‘I Choose You!’

Or perhaps music is your passion. Rock, Punk, Pop, Rockabilly, anything. As the Bard himself said, “If music be the food of love, Play on, Give me excess of it.”

Basically, whoever you are, no matter how quirky, offbeat, unconventional or wonderfully eclectic you are, your wedding ceremony should belong to you and only you. Of course this can be added as subtly or unrestrained as you wish.

So if you have hired a Delorean or Batmobile as your wedding car, or would like to walk down the aisle to the Jurassic Park Theme, Sum 41 or Metallica, I am definitely the Celebrant who can bring all of your fandom wedding dreams into reality. Allons y!